Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Show me that flutter
One more night of complete anxiety. Tomorrow is the day-ultrasound to check for heartbeat. Lucky for me, I suppose, I never really got to that point with any of my losses (though I did lose one past 7 weeks). When I was pregnant with Sailor, I had an early ultrasound due to a prior miscarriage. My ultrasound was at 5 weeks and 4 days, and there wasn’t yet a heartbeat. There was a yolk sac and fetal pole, so they guessed that it was too soon. They were right, thankfully, because when I went again at 6 weeks and 3 days we saw her beautiful fluttering heart. I will be 6 weeks and 5 days tomorrow, so no heartbeat would mean no baby. Tomorrow is my Uncle Mike’s birthday. I was very close with him, and know he is looking down on me. I’m hoping for good news. If we can make it past this milestone, I can breathe a little easier.
I love you so much my girl.... I know this is the one for you... 😘🌈🤞🏻🙏🏼